St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands. High-quality outdoor marine gear is essential to all sailors, from weekend warriors to professional race teams. Therefore, organizers of the 2017 St. Thomas International Regatta are delighted to announce that The K3 Company, a global manufacturer and distributor of premium outdoor gear and accessories, will provide major sponsorship for the regatta.
“Sponsorship allows us to give back to those who have supported us while at the same time embracing the sport, competitiveness and a love for what we do,” says managing partner, Lisa Keogh, who grew up sailing and racing catamarans. Keogh launched the K3 Company in 2009 after a successful career in the Consumer Electronics Industry and now distributes K3 branded products in over 43 countries encompassing the sailing, marine, surf, dive, resort and boutique industries. “We have quickly become a global leader within the outdoor/waterproof gear arena and continue to work feverishly to meet customer demand for premium product and leading edge designs.”
The K3 Company will support the 2017 St. Thomas International Regatta by supplying three products, which will be offered and awarded to registered sailors. These are:
● PRO-TECH 10 and 20 Liter Dry Bag Backpack. A hybrid between a dry bag and backpack unlike anything else on the market today. It floats! Ventilated harness, O-rings, mesh pockets and shock cords are just a few of the key components.
● K3 Tango Sport In-Ear Headphones. Designed and developed by the same factory that manufacturers brands such as JBL, Jaybird, Monster and more. IPX4 sweat-proof and moisture proof. Allows wearers to stay connected for up to 5 hours and conquer the elements at the same time.
● Excursion Duffle Backpack Bags. The ultimate in travel. Contains internal wet/dry pack, interior mesh pockets, heavy duty base, ID Card, lockable zippers, quick release alpine backpack straps, twin haul handles, optional shoulder strap and more. Four carry options to meet all needs for work and/or play.
PRO-Tech 20-liter Dry Bag Backpacks will be provided in skipper’s bags at registration. K3 Tango Sport In-Ear Headphones will be awarded to class winners as prizes in both the Round the Rocks Race as well as main-event St. Thomas International Regatta, while the duffle backpack will be presented exclusively as prizes to regatta class winners.
“We are proud and pleased to have the K3 Company onboard as a major sponsor for the St. Thomas International Regatta. There is already quite a buzz growing among sailors who look forward to these premium watersports products as part of their participation in STIR. We encourage sailors who have not yet registered for our regatta to do so now and not miss a chance to win these incredible products. After all, they can be used throughout the year as well as serve as a reminder of our event and to come back to race again next year.”
The St. Thomas International Regatta, now in its forty-fourth year, is a world-class event renowned for its fantastic round the buoys and round the islands racing, first-class race committee and friendly can-do attitude towards its competitors. Over 80 entries, including a sleek fleet of offshore catamarans, plus one-design C&C 30’s and home-grown IC24s are expected in 2017. Additionally, the second annual Round the Rocks Race, a circumnavigation of the neighboring island of St. John will take place March 23.
Register online now at Both events promise challenging courses, professional race management and island-style hospitality. Register in CSA (Racing or Cruising); IRC; ORC; Multihull; Beach Cat or One Design classes with a minimum length of 20 feet.
The NOR is available at For more information, contact Regatta Director Chuck Pessler at (340) 642-3204 or Email: Check STIR out on Facebook (, Twitter @stycvi and Instagram #STIRVI
STIR 2017 in sponsored by Cruzan Rum and Miller Lite, distributed by Southern Glazer’s Wine and Spirits; the U.S. Virgin Islands Department of Tourism; K3; Yacht Haven Grande; Switlik; The Moorings; and HiHo.
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